Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, January 5, 2009

Our boy is growing up...

Its amazing how fast babies change. Its mind blowing really. You can literally watch them learn something new each day. William is now 17 weeks old. He loves to play in his exersaucer, read books and try to turn the pages, do sit ups in his bouncer and his newest feat is eating solids. He LOVES it. It is hilarious. I was warned not to be surprised when he spits everything out and barely gets any down. He was a pro eater from the start. I think he gets that from me.

We had a wonderful Christmas visiting with both families. William even got to spend several days hanging out with his great Granny. Lots of fun memories. Lee and I spent our first night away from William. His Weesie and Papa watched him while we went to the Omni's New Years celebration. We had a great time and lots of laughs (i.e. 70 year olds drinking too much and making out on the dance floor and at our table...yeah,awesome) but we really missed Sir William.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we hope to catch up with all of you soon!

When I took the tray off I discovered he had propped his foot up...just kickin back, eatin some know how it is think I got this one.

What?! No more?

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